The Secret To Creating A Stress-Free Holiday

Holiday could be daunting, just the thought of hustling the busy shopping mall crowds to find the gifts for your loved ones can be a load of stress. Not to mention several invitations to gatherings collecting on your computer, a long list of people you need to send holiday cards, plus the things that need to be done during normal everyday life can be overwhelming.
I wanted to share with you some of my personal favorite ways to navigate this busy, stressful time of year and make this season a lot more enjoyable, less stressful and a time you will remember with fond memories.
These secret weapons of mine include…
Put forth great effort to be present.
It can be difficult, I understand. It’s almost a reflex to pick up our phones and scroll through Facebook or our email when we have a free moment – do you do the same? One way I like to dodge this is to leave my electronics in another room. Don’t even allow yourself the temptation to pick up your phone and disengage from communicating with your gathered love ones.
When I’m feeling particularly scatter-brained, what really helps ground me is focusing on my senses. What do I smell? What do I hear? What do I feel? Stopping and thinking through what’s going on around you at that very moment really brings you into the present moment unlike anything else. It’s a wonderful tool to use to dial in and be present – and is a great tool to use year-round, not just during the holidays!
Give up those expectations.
Find time to move.
Hear are some simple and delicious recipes that makes holiday extra special
lemon blueberry bundt cake
lemon butter cookies
honey garlic pork
easy paella
get your free one week meal prepping recipes

Welcome to my virtual home. I’m a mom of two wonderful girls and a Community Education Culinary Instructor. I love to prepare and cook home-cooked meals. Cooking and planning your meals might sound like another chore added to your already long list of things to do. Believe me, I’ve been there. However, cooking and prepping meals will save you money, time, and you know what goes into your food. Definitely worth the effort. Read more…