Corn and Shrimp Soup

Corn soup is always my favorite type of soup to make during Springtime. Cream of corn is also one of the popular dishes in my house, but today I decide to make a simple and flavorful dish. It’s hearty and very comforting, sautéed in garlic and onion with some shrimps and loaded with greens.
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Corn harvest
I remember as a young child in the Philippines, my grandparents bought a small land to plant corn. The land was at least five miles away from the house we lived in. I always look forward to Summertime when it’s that time of the year we get to go to the cornfield and harvest some corn. I ran around the field until my skin turned red from running through the sharp edge of the corn leaves. It cuts like paper, but I didn’t mind at all because I was having so much fun. When the corn mature it can grow pretty tall, as the day gets hotter it’s fun to take a quick run through the leaves to get the cooling sweep of them over your body.
how to cut the kernels off the cob
- Remove the husk and pull out the hair to get a clean corncob. In a larger bowl, place a smaller bowl in the middle. Hold the corn upright on top of the smaller bowl inside the larger bowl. With a sharp knife, start cutting the kernels going down letting them fall. The larger bowl catches the corn juice and the kernels so they don’t splatter all over your kitchen counter.

here are the rest of the ingredients
- 8 oz. shrimps, deveined, peeled
- 2 vine tomatoes, deseed and diced
- 4 garlic cloves, minced
- 1 yellow onion, chopped
- 1/4 cup soy sauce
- 4 cups chicken broth
- 1 tablespoon 21 Seasoning Salute
- 1/2 teaspoon red chili pepper flakes
- 1 teaspoon salt

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Corn and Shrimp Soup
- Stockpot
- Larger mixing bowl
- Smaller mixing bowl
- cutting board
- knife
- Ladle
- 4 ears of corn
- 2 tablespoon olive oil
- 1 yellow onion, chopped
- 4 garlic cloves, minced
- 1 tablespoon 21 Seasoning Salute
- 1 teaspoon salt
- 1/2 teaspoon red chili pepper flakes
- 2 vine tomatoes, deseed, diced
- 8 oz. shrimps, halves, peeled, deveined
- 1/4 cup soy sauce
- 4 cups chicken broth
- 2 cups baby spinach
- Use a larger bowl and place a smaller one inside. Hold the corn upright on top of the smaller bowl, cut the kernels with a knife. Set aside.
- Heat the stockpot with oil. Add onion and garlic, sautee for a minute or until aromatic. Add salt, 21 Seasoning Salute, and red chili pepper flakes. Add the tomatoes and shrimps, stir to combine, cook the shrimps for a minute or until opaque.
- Add the soy sauce and corn, stir until combined. Add the chicken broth, cover, lower the heat, simmer for 5 minutes or until the corn is tender. Add the baby spinach, stir until they're wilted. Enjoy!
- Pick white and yellow corncob, they tend to be sweeter
- You can buy 21 Seasoning Salute at your local grocery store in the spice aisle
- You can use any kind of greens you like. Kale would be nice too.


Welcome to my virtual home. I’m a mom of two wonderful girls and a Community Education Culinary Instructor. I love to prepare and cook home-cooked meals. Cooking and planning your meals might sound like another chore added to your already long list of things to do. Believe me, I’ve been there. However, cooking and prepping meals will save you money, time, and you know what goes into your food. Definitely worth the effort. Read more…
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