Something I never told anyone before

Hi there, Jen here!
Years ago I owned a specialty bakeshop. I love the creativity that went into decorating all the wedding cakes I made, I enjoyed every moment of it. However, when it comes to food industry there are enormous responsibilities to deal with day in and day out. Not to say that other businesses are effortless but when it comes to food there are much greater attention and guidelines to follow.
I was making 10-20 wedding cakes per week aside from the other special occasion cakes. I wasn’t giving much attention to family life because the bakeshop took over my life. My father was sick for a while and the day he died I wasn’t there to say goodbye. The stress took a toll on my health. I was 50 pounds overweight, very unaware of the healthy diet and no exercise.
My get away place was the emergency room in the hospital, I suffered from fatigue and brain fog. My husband and I realized that it was not the life we want to live.
We gave up the business. We lost almost everything, but we know that without health there’s no wealth. We rented an apartment for a while. I read tons of books about health, I started exercising, I ran in the park, we ate clean food on a budget. For me health is important – we stop eating out, we didn’t have any furniture, just the dining table – so we can sit together during dinner time as a family. My kids had hand-me-down winter coats from their cousins. It never really bothered us, and when I think of it, having less is actually more. It gave us the chance to appreciate simple life and the love for each other as a family.
I went back to work and my husband worked 2 jobs. Our hard worked eventually paid off. We bought a house, my oldest daughter graduated college as a Graphic Designer. I lost 50 pounds and gain so much energy that gave me the enthusiasm to become a Health Coach.
We all have many challenges in life, whether it’s our relationship, health, our physical or financial situation we are here to learn and take those lessons as our power to get back up and embrace the journey.
What I can say is that “never give up” “never lose hope” and always have faith in God.
I learned the hard way because back then I did all the work and I have no one to go to when I needed the support. This is why I pursued to become a Health Coach so I can help others to lead a healthy lifestyle. To help them figure out strategies that are easier to implement and accomplish long-term for themselves and maybe even their families.
Change in lifestyle will help us recover from anything. The world is a place where different people, styles, theories etc. are mixed together. We’re all eager to understand the best way to eat, but there are so many dietary theories and products that can mislead us from the concept that basic diet and lifestyle changes can help people recover from almost anything. So if you’re ready for a change, I’m here to give you guidance and support.
I have a special invitation for you. I’d like to invite you to a FREE Health Consultation, where you’ll have the opportunity for undivided attention from someone who wants to support you to look and feel better!
Please click the image below to schedule your free Health Consultation.
Cheers to Health and Happiness xx
Free Initial Health Consultation
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Wow…..It’s like your describing my life 🙁
I know how tough it is. Hang in there, new and great things are coming your way!
Thanks for sharing this story. Starting over and leaving your comfort zone…even if it was unhealthy for you and your family…is very difficult! You look great, and have obviously made great choices to reinvent your new life. Love the cookbook 🙂
Thank you Kathy for the kind words. I’m glad you’re enjoying my eCookbook. I’m creating more healthy and easy recipes and I’ll be sending them out soon. Thanks again!